How to Meet Other Remote Workers in Fuerteventura

How to meat others on Fuerteventura

With the COVID-19 outbreak at the end of 2019, we saw a massive surge in the popularity of remote work. As companies were forbidden to have their employees work in the office due to lockdowns, remote work was the primary solution to the problem. 

However, remote work brings some challenges of its own. In this article, we’re primarily going to discuss the lack of socialization one might get from working remotely. 

As a remote worker’s primary means of communication with other workers is, through digital tools and applications, there’s not much need for in-person meetings and collaborations. 

If you’re a remote worker residing in an isolated piece of land like Fuerteventura, you might be finding it difficult to meet and get to know other people who are working remotely. You’d have to do some homework in order to find other remote workers, meet them, and have friendly conversations about the type of work you’re doing. After all, it’s not a viable option to discuss such stuff with normal people on a recreational island. 

To help you meet and find other remote workers in Fuerteventura, here are a few handy tips for you. 

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Join social communities on the internet and look for people there

One of the best ways to get to know other remote workers in your area is to try to find them in online communities. If you don’t already know, billions of people use social media platforms every day to get together. Facebook, alone, has more than 2 billion monthly active users. 

Join groups on social media and community platforms like Facebook and Instagram. To give you an idea about what kind of communities to join, you can search for groups based on your location, i.e., Fuerteventura. Join some Facebook groups with this keyword and post your question in them. In your post, talk about how you’re looking for other remote workers in your area. Also, as you post on Instagram, you could use some of the local hashtags and tag your locations so others in the area can see!

For example, there is a private Facebook group, named “Fuerteventura Digital Nomads and expats” which is active and has over 5 thousand members, and if you joined, you could potentially make great connections.There’s a good chance someone from your area will get in touch with you. It’s about time you stop being alone and get to know other remote workers!

Use your network to find remote workers in Fuerteventura

I get it: you don’t have enough friends who are remote workers; however, you still have people in your network who’re not remote workers. Plus, if you have a family, they might have their own network of friends. 

It might be a great idea to arrange a get-together with your friends and family and tell them how you’re looking for other remote workers around you. Spread the word.

There’s a chance someone might be able to link you up with someone else who is working remotely. While this method would be substantially slower than the one that involves social media, it still works; worth a try. 

Conclusions and Suggestions ……

  • Join Facebook groups: Facebook groups just like these that will help you start to reach out to people and understand your surroundings better.
  • Go out and explore: By you going out and exploring, whether you go to the beach to surf, you go out to take a walk, or maybe you go out one night to a restaurant or a bar, you can then utilize your social skills to either talk to locals and or find other digital nomads in your area!
  • Co working and co living spaces in Fuerteventura: Hub Fuerteventura is one of the best-known coworking spaces in Fuerteventura and it’s the largest in Corralejo. Another place that would expand your connections goes by the name of Salty Coliving & Coworking. Salty Coliving & Coworking is a shared home in which you can meet new and interesting people, relax in the rooftop Jacuzzi with an ocean view, or take advantage of the motivating remote workspace. Also, this space offers you the opportunity to benefit from a life balance between work and play, and to hang out with others who are doing the same. Another one that you also can look at is called Surfescape is another co living and co working space where you work, you connect, and you stay. This type of co working and living space is truly beneficial not only do they offer a home like atmosphere but also because you are able to make connections with digital nomads, just like yourself. Good internet can be hard to find, but here, with these co living and co working spaces, internet connection is never a worry.
  • Check this out: If this is something that interests you, feel free to also check out another blog post, done by Globexs, about “Remote working in paradise – Apartment rental Fuerteventura,” which not only goes into apartment rentals but also goes into Fuerteventura remote working communitie and how Fuerteventura is known for its endless possibilities. A very well put, and interesting read.

Finding other remote workers on a tourist island is certainly a tough task. But if you utilize the methods mentioned above, you might eventually succeed in your quest.

Apartment rental Fuerteventura

Globexs offers a fine selection of furnished apartments for rent in Fuerteventura. The rental process is specifically designed for digital nomads: Fully furnished apartments, fast wifi, flexible contracts and no hassles.

Why Globexs operates in Fuerteventura

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