How to stay creative at home: 8 tips from Globexs

Boost your creativity

Do you feel like you lost your sense of creativity now that you are at home 24/7? We know how it feels and have listed 8 tips that help us and hopefully you too! Stay creative at home…

Table of Contents

1. Declutter

By clearing out some stuff at home you make room for new things and new ideas. By tidying everything up and organizing you will experience several advantages. It reduces visual distractions as well as boosting your physical energy. This stimulates your creative drive. For any question about decluttering and cleaning I’m going to refer you to Marie Kondo.

2. Create a creative space

It is important that you have room to be creative. Create a separate space to be creative. Having such a space helps you to focus in general and focus on being creative. You don’t know how to get started? Don‘t worry, Making your home beautiful got some great tips for you! 

3. Activity

A good way to let your creative thoughts flow is to do a simple but stimulating activity, like stretching, cleaning or running on the treadmill just to make your brain jump. For some tips and tricks on how to work out at home, check out Cnet

4. Listen to music

Even if you’re not in a creative mood, music can still appeal to your auditory senses. Make sure that you  have a power playlist or ambient soundscape ready to listen to  if you need some creativity. 

5. Staring

Believe it or not but looking out of a window can be effective when trying to access the creative part of your brain. Staring out of the window helps you to be attentive and relax your body. This attentive but relaxed posture helps you to get new insights and ideas. So put your most comfortable chair in front of the window and just stare! 😉

6. Do nothing at all

It’s okay to let go and do nothing! A creative blockage can come from the pressure you feel to achieve things. Let go of this and allow yourself to do nothing and rest. But don’t hang in there too long sometimes you just have to do things and start! 

7. Set challenges

If you have a creative blockage you can also try challenging yourself! By taking on challenges you can get more direction on what you just want to achieve. This way you get the feeling that you are achieving something, which is very important when you are confined to your home. 

8. Embrace the change in pace

Many people have had to adapt to this new pace of life. Think of this slower pace as an opportunity. Most people are more creative when they are rested and have time. Your thoughts can now focus on one thing, without distraction. Embrace the extra time and see what comes out of it! In the meantime you can use this time to read some amazing books that will inspire you. You can find Globexs‘ top 6 here. 

If you need any further tips on working from home, we’ve put them together for you. You can read them here. 

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