How is remote working changing?

Remote working is changing more than ever

Remote work has been growing very fast pre COVID-19 as well. With the advent of the internet in the 1960s, many things started changing. The way people did their daily life tasks revolutionized and slowly shifted over the digital medium. Many people started using digital platforms as a big source of income and started using the internet as a business asset. Just before COVID-19, internet had become the most important necessity in many areas of life. But what are the conditions after COVID-19 of remote working? Well, let us explore!

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After COVID-19 people had to be totally restricted in their houses and all of the physical business operations, paused. Human beings wereconfined at all costs but with a threat to health, COVID-19 had become a threat to businesses and jobs too. Most people who were already employed on digital platforms continued their tasks and jobs while sitting at home. But the others were in great turmoil. This happening of everything being cut-out, many new opportunities arose!

The pace of remote work became 100% faster and people found this an ideal opportunity to begin their remote job careers. Most joined freelancing sites, some started their businesses of products and services delivery and the rest went towards content creation for platforms like YouTube and Instagram. This happened to become the golden time for people as many remote job opportunities rose and most people started earning money from jobs they only dreamt of doing. 

How has COVID-19 helped us in our professions?

COVID-19 became somewhat of a blessing for people who wanted to find remote jobs or those who wanted to quit their 9 to 5 jobs for any reason. It allowed people to start their businesses as now they wouldn’t have to put in any resources or move to someplace to participate in business meetings. 

All you need is an active internet connection and an idea to start a business online. You don’t even need to put in the money to create products to sell, just get a digital model of your products and put them on your website, and get the products ready only when there are customers for it!

You are now more than ever location independent and you have the chance to save the time of Transportation and invest it in doing something more productive. Business traveling takes in a lot of effort and cost that can all be cut down through Zoom meetings, Teams,…all virtual meeting platforms. 

This opportunity of not having to go to offices, started a great trend for expats around the world to shift back to their houses. Companies are saving all the money that was otherwise spent on office rents, providing facilities for employees, etc. 

Do people like working in offices?

After COVID-19, the change that was seen to come in a decade or two came all at once! Observers have seen that due to these changes work will not be the same anymore. This is seen as once in a decade kind of chance of reimaging how we did our jobs and ran our companies. Now is the time to improve and adapt. 

According to a search, only 12% of people wish to go back to full-time office jobs and the other 72% of people want to have a remote office model to move forward. All these changes of method will go along with the change in our tools. We will be using more software that is intended for virtual solutions of things that we otherwise did by ourselves in the same office location. 

How will companies become virtual first ones?

More than half of the global workforce at this moment, is working remotely.  As health is being threatened by the pandemic, it is estimated that the long period of hybrid working will continue. We as a humanity have learned that many things can be done remotely without having to collect employees under the same roof. 

Though a few face-to-face interactions will be required from time to time. Given the pros and cons of remote working, companies will have to think about the working arrangements. This unsettlement will eventually settle in a sustainable new normal most likely a distributed workplace and a hybrid workforce. 

How states are playing their role in the new economy.

The economic shock that is brought by the global pandemic has made even more pressing questions about the economy, than there have been before. There is a demand for building back better than ever.

Will video calls continue in shaping businesses?

As the world is familiar with video conversations, the way individuals and businesses will communicate and connect has changed forever. Education, healthcare, businesses, and finance are growing and also improving with video conversations. Hundreds and thousands of business owners maintained and also grew businesses using video calls to connect with their consumers. It is believed that the model will be a big part of the future hence they are made easier by certain softwares such as Zoom and Teams.

Expats around the world have found that working from home and remote working will be a big help to continue the mental soundness and a balance in work- and private life. The reduced global mobility has made business meetings be cost-effective and time saving by cutting off the time in traveling. Business traveling used to cost a lot more time, effort, and money whereas the results are still the same when carried through online mediums. 

Remote working is the new future of people around the world who are either in jobs, businesses, and content creation. Everything has revolutionized and the benefits are more than the negatives of this revolution. 

Are you happy with this global change of remote working? 

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