Life in Valencia Compared to Other Cities

Why living in Valencia is better than living in another city

When talking about life in Valencia compared to other Cities, you should understand that life isn’t cheap in other cities.  Cities like Madrid and Barcelona can set you up with hefty monthly expenses. If it’s going to cost that much, why not live the best of what Spain has to offer? For many, Valencia is a superior choice when compared to cities like Madrid or Barcelona. Why? There are a few reasons for it; let’s look at them.

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Living in Valencia is cheaper

Spain is a pretty expensive country. A single-bedroom flat in Madrid can cost as much as €2000. A shared room in Barcelona or Madrid can set you back a good €500-€550. Moreover, other life essentials like food are also expensive in Madrid and Barcelona.
For more examples on prices on flats and how the differ between the cities, check this article by us, Globexs, to go into more detail about prices of flats. When it comes to Valencia, it’s much cheaper than other cities of Spain; both in terms of residence and daily life essentials like food. You can get a shared room for as little as €250 in Valencia. Moreover, food and other essentials are around 20% cheaper. All in all, life in valencia compared to other cities gives the person a better bang for your buck. For a much cheaper living cost, you can essentially get a better experience depending on your tastes and needs
To check more detail about how you can get more things for your many in Valencia, check this comparison between these two big cities, Valencia and Madrid, as it goes through detail of all the things that are cheaper in Valencia, rather than Madrid.

You can get anything you need without going through the hassles of big-city life

When talking about life in Valencia compared to other cities, life and the general area of Valencia is smaller than other big cities like Madrid and Barcelona. With a population of one million, you rarely see traffic jams and other problems associated with big cities. In Madrid, there are frequent traffic jams that can set you back several hours. However, that’s not the case in Valencia. Valencia also has all the basic and advanced perks of a modern city.
There are tons of attractive tourist spots for you to entertain yourself. It has one of the best universities in the country. Recently, Valencia has inaugurated the La Fe Hospital which has enough room to take care of the entire city’s population with short waiting times.
There are hundreds of events and fests every year so you can enjoy the beautiful Valencian life. Valencia is situated on the coast, providing you with the beautiful scenery of coastal life. Check out what these events truly hold to the city and understand the meaning of these events by staying up to date of the city-events!

It has a more natural life but doesn't lack technology

While Madrid and Barcelona are more oriented towards a cultural and historic lifestyle, Valencia enjoys a beautiful and natural life with its coastal location. It’s suited for people who have a hunch for living around natural beauty.
For a nice and simple guide of the beautiful beaches Valencia has to offer, check the most beautiful beaches in Valencia to start your new tour! Even though Valencia is natural, beautiful, and away from big-city life, it still feasts on a fast internet connection. It has one of the fastest network speeds in the entire country.
That being said, life in Valencia compared to other cities is also a great hub for businessmen, freelancers, and entrepreneurs to grow and prosper. There are tons of business opportunities you can grab. If you don’t want to take our word, click you can consider moving your start-up to Spain to read another credible source, Found Valencia, about why having a start up in Valencia could be the best decision one could make.
Valencia is a city far away from the big-city hassles of Madrid and Barcelona. Even though it has all the daily life essentials you could ever need, it’s natural, beautiful, and free of frequent traffic jams. Moreover, it’s much cheaper than other big cities. Simply put, Valencia provides a budget-friendly and natural lifestyle on the coast, accompanied by a fast internet connection.

Apartment rental Valencia

Globexs offers a fine selection of furnished apartments for rent in Valencia. The rental process is specifically designed for digital nomads: Fully furnished apartments, fast wifi, flexible contracts and no hassles.



We will guide you through the local administration of Valencia. You will learn how to obtain a NIE, empadronamiento and residencia. Furthermore, we also give you insight into what you should do if you want to invest in Valencia or Spain in general. Or do you need help with declaring your VAT? This will also be covered. We will guide you from start to finish!

In the last chapter, we indicate some things that you usually don’t know or expect before moving but which can be interesting to know! On top of all this, some of the expats themselves will also have their say. They share their experiences and stories in the form of case studies.

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TOTALLY FREE - 62 pages of useful information and case studies about moving to Valencia.

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