Local administration Valencia – the basics

How to obtain your NIE, empadronamiento and residency

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When you decide to take the step and move to Valencia, or Spain in general, a NIE might make life easier. Though, it is not obligatory to get one. But what exactly is it? If we translate it, it means Identification number for foreigners (Número de identidad extranjeros in Spanish). To obtain this NIE you will have to prove why you need it.

What is it?

Basically this is your identification number. This number will never change and will be your best friend in Valencia. This number is unique and personal, just like you!

What can I do with it?

Almost everything! If you want to stay a while or live here you must apply for a residency. However, if you are planning to stay 90 days, this NIE is enough to realize any procedure. You will need this number for any kind of economic or bureaucratic procedure in Valencia such as:

  • Buying or selling a property
  • Paying taxes
  • Setting up a business
  • Getting your driver’s license
  • Working 


Globexs has lots of British, Chinese, Russian,… clients who come to Spain to invest in a property. Before you can buy anything you will need this NIE. In this case you have to give and prove your reason for obtaining the NIE . The only verified reasons are: buying a property, setting up a company, working,…


Basically this is a registration on the address where you reside. If you plan to stay in Spain longer than 6 months a year it is obligated to do this. 

How do I get it?

You have to get an appointment at your local office and bring originals and copies of your documents. Keep in mind that you have to renew this document every 2 years as a non-resident.


We can look at this in a very general way and make a difference of process between non-EU residents and EU residents. However, this process is different for almost every person. 

The overall rules for EU-citizens are these: before getting your residency in Valencia, you have to arrange your empadronamiento. To get your residency you will have to provide some original documents as well as copies. From this moment on, you will be considered a resident. As an EU citizen you can apply for your permanent resident card after 5 years.

What do I need as an EU-citizen?

If you are an EU citizen you have to apply for the Certificados de registro de la Unión Europea. Here are some of the documents that you need:

  • Passport
  • Proof of income / working contract / self-employment papers
  • Empadronamiento
  • Proof of health insurance

What do I need as a non-EU-citizen?

If you want to get the residency card as a non EU-citizen you have to apply for it at the Spanish consulate in your country of origin. There are few exceptions: for example if you are a family member of a resident you can apply within 90 days of your stay in Valencia.

If you need any assistance to complete these steps, don’t hesitate to contact our Globexs lawyer.

Apartment rental Valencia

Globexs offers a fine selection of furnished apartments for rent in Valencia. The rental process is specifically designed for digital nomads: Fully furnished apartments, fast wifi, flexible contracts and no hassles.



We will guide you through the local administration of Valencia. You will learn how to obtain a NIE, empadronamiento and residencia. Furthermore, we also give you insight into what you should do if you want to invest in Valencia or Spain in general. Or do you need help with declaring your VAT? This will also be covered. We will guide you from start to finish!

In the last chapter, we indicate some things that you usually don’t know or expect before moving but which can be interesting to know! On top of all this, some of the expats themselves will also have their say. They share their experiences and stories in the form of case studies.

All you have to do to get this e-book is send an email to sandra@globexs.com. You will receive the e-book by WeTransfer. This guide will be updated by any (legal) changes. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date

TOTALLY FREE - 62 pages of useful information and case studies about moving to Valencia.

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At Globexs we all agree that our job is making people feel welcome. Globexs is, in essence, a people-company: people working for people. Us working for expats. We are the little tap on your shoulder and the voice whispering in your ear that everything will be allright 👌.